The Environmental and landscape values policies highlight the importance of our natural environment in Yarra and seeks to protect existing biodiversity and habitats, including our river corridors.

The environmental and landscape values includes two local policies:


The Biodiversity policy seeks to protect biodiverse landscapes and promote biodiversity in new developments, for example by retaining significant trees and planting green walls and roofs in developments. It also aims to connect habitats throughout the municipality.

Yarra River, Darebin and Merri Creek corridors

This policy recognises the strategic importance of the Yarra River and Darebin and Merri Creek corridors
as multi-functional open spaces and includes strategies to protect and enhance their environments

The policy seeks to protect sightlines to the water corridors, provide a landscape buffer between waterways and development, and minimise the visual intrusion of development when viewed from the corridors. It also aims to improve access to the river and provide recreation opportunities for the community such as cycle and walking paths.

Learn more about the policies

Watch the video below to find out more about the environmental and landscape values policies, or see all of our information videos on Amendment C269.